Thursday, 19 September 2013

Haunted Places: The Brown Woman in Raynham Hall
Haunted Places: The Brown Woman in Raynham Hall

kriszelisko posted a photo: During the 2nd evening of Frederick Marryat’s stay in the Raynham Hall, alongside with two other companions, what they have encountered was while strolling down the corridors of the Raynham Hall they noticed a light coming from around the corner. What they did was that they hid just behind the door and waited for whoever the person was carrying the light to move by them. As they were waiting around for the carrier of the light to move by the corridor on where they hid, what they noticed was something they didn’t expect. Into their astonishment, Frederick Marryat and his companions noticed was a light that was actually been created by the ghost of the Brown Woman. Marryat was carrying a pistol that evening and what he did was fired a shot to Brown Woman ghost. The bullet went move through the ghostly figure of the Brown Woman and the Brown Woman move through the wood pillar at the other end of the corridor. From that moment, Marryat has promised not to mess around and interferes with the ghost of the Brown Woman. However, to this very day, there have been skeptics that claimed that ghost photo of the Brown Woman is thought to be a hoax. They have explained that the ghostly figure from the Raynham Hall which is thought to be the Brown Woman is not true. If you look at the picture more carefully it would really look like a person who is wearing a robe. Some say that if you enhance the ghost photo, you will discover that there is a ball at the base of the ghostly figure. That is why the figure is more most likely to be the picture of the Immaculata, the iconography of the Saint Mary in which is most most likely standing on a world. Tags: frederick marryat ghost photo ghostly figure

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