Wednesday 7 May 2014

Hipermetropia se corecteaza in mod natural prin acest mod - afla cum poti corecta hipermetropia
Hipermetropia se corecteaza in mod natural prin acest mod - afla cum poti corecta hipermetropia
If however, the mind is unwilling or unable to recognize what the eyes see, if it is blocked by stress or bored, the eyes strain to see better. The eyes reflect and follow the movements of the mind. A worn out, stressed, overworked mind packed with unpleasant thoughts, obliged to focus on uninteresting or frustrating things, submerged by daily tasks and duties, will reflect in eyes moving around erratically and jerkily instead of in a flowing and smooth way. A mind which is vainly trying to recognize and memorize pile upon pile of information, will stall, reflected in staring, straining, unmoving eyes. Eye movement is vital to the visual process, but it has to be smooth relieved movement, it has to be movement allowing the eyes freedom to take in the world at their own pace, freedom to trace calmly around things and pass on the information to the mind.

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